My phone tried to autocorrect “broccoli” into “borosilicate" this morning.
@jkottke i wonder what your lunch was, then
@jkottke doing some pyrex searches?
@jkottke why did you stop it?
@jkottke I have to admit I’m curious, but “borosilicate” is a scary sounding word. I’m not sure I want to know what it means.
@earthlingusa @jkottke it has a temper
@jkottke One gives you glass, the other gives you gas, close enough I guess.
@jkottke your phone observes your interest in laboratory glassware and has notified the authorities.
@jkottke I attempted to add “broccolini” to my grocery list, and my phone interpreted my clumsy swipe gesture as “neocolonialism”