@WordleClubDailyBot @VedaDalsette @Calgarygirl2023 @bcaligari @kateiacy @ikentcpel
Took more than two tries today, in fact, even after I knew four letters it took me a minute to figure out the solution to today's #Wordle 1,365 4/6*
but that's okay
Wordle Score
#Wordle 1,365 4/6
() (1 perfect)
(2 partial, 1 perfect)
(3 perfect)
(Wordle done on Line 4)
Wordle 1,365 4/6
I got served by this #Wordle
Wordle 1,364 3/6
Topical #Wordle
@WordleClubDailyBot @VedaDalsette @Calgarygirl2023 @bcaligari @kateiacy @ikentcpel
Well nice, got it in two for the second day in a row on today's #Wordle 1,364 2/6*
I must say that playing in hard mode is probably what made that happen as I had to really think about what would fit after my first guess.
Wordle Score
#Wordle 1,364 3/6
() (1 perfect)
(2 perfect)
(Wordle done on Line 3)
#Wordle 1,364 3/6
Puzzle #642
#Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #172
#Strands #376
“Fillin' good!”
Abject failure! Cannot come up with another guess
#Wordle 1,364 X/6
. Guess I'll take a walk in the beach...
Puzzle (French Wordle)
Wordle 1364 in 4, Connections 642 in 4
@WordleClubDailyBot @GreenFire @Calgarygirl2023 @bcaligari @kateiacy @ikentcpel
Holy mackerel! I'm joining today's Two Club. When I saw everyone's quick guesses, I figured commonly used letters must have been used, so that's what I used. I hope that's not a cheat.
#Wordle 1,363 2/6*